COVID 19 Measures... Rock The Tots are on it!
*Updated July 2021*
This is a little info for our sessions in venues....
Things will be a little different to the gigs we have run in the past. We read all relevant Government guidelines, and chatted at length to our venues, and we have a range of Covid specific measures, which we hope we will be able to ease bit by bit. We will continue to keep abreast of all the changes.
Please read on to see what we are doing to keep you and your children safe, as well as what we need from you to make our sessions work.
When you make your booking, an email will be sent out to you in advance of your session, so that you can have an idea of what to expect of the venue and the gig on that day.
What Measures will Rock The Tots have in place?
At the moment, each of our gigs will be on reduced audience number basis.
Each bubble group will be socially distanced from the next.
Hand sanitiser will be available on the door, and we will be using this regularly ourselves.
Until we start the performance, Craig and Steph will be wearing masks, and will put them on again after the show and if we come out into the audience.
Craig and Steph are taking twice weekly lateral flow tests.
All equipment, seating and apparatus will be thoroughly cleaned before and after every session.
Windows and doors may be open for extra ventilation, so do bring layers on cool days to keep warm.
Depending on the venue, a one way system may be marked out, and if there multiple entrances to the space, we may use different doors for entrances and exits.
The performers will ensure to keep at least 2m from attendees during the show whilst on stage, and if coming into the audience areas, 1m with a mask.
All tickets will be digital, and pre-booked only, and these will be checked by Steph on entry, at distance and without contact.
What do I need to do?
Please DO NOT come to a show if you or anyone in your household is displaying Covid symptoms. We will happily move your tickets to another show so you'll get to use them another time.
Please ensure you book everyone in your bubble ON THE SAME BOOKING - this makes it much easier for us to arrange seating in advance.
We would request that adults wear masks for the duration of the show, and whilst moving around the space. No masks are needed for babies or children under 12.
Where possible, please leave prams at home, as our venues do not have as much pram-parking space as usual.
We will have shaky eggs to borrow which are sanitised between sessions. Please feel free to bring your own instruments and scarves. You are welcome to have a small bop and sway in your area.
We know it is not always easy, but please ensure that you stay to your designated area, and keep children with you. We will provide you with mats (cleaned thoroughly between sessions) and a chair if you'd like one.
NHS Track and Trace - we will be obtaining contact information from the person booking, however, if there is more than one adult in a bubble, we may ask for their details too. Please also use the venue's logging requirements if requested by a member of staff.
*If you have any further questions, or would like to see our full Risk Assessment Documents, please email us and we'll be happy to help*